The Beginning of the End, Ordination, and Crying in Public (again)
Well hello, friends! So, I cried in public again!
I'm writing this from the corner of a quiet little coffee shop in Delafield. TJ saw my gray hair the other day and told me to take some time for myself. He's the best. Not only did I desperately need some self-care after a long couple of weeks, I also needed to reflect and prepare myself. TJ will be ordained as a deacon at the cathedral in Milwaukee tomorrow night, and I wanted to spend some time in prayer this morning in anticipation of the ordination. I settled in, read, reflected, prayed, and then decided to read through the ordination liturgy in the BCP just for fun and promptly started crying in the coffee shop. That service is going to be so incredibly beautiful. And then I wrote the following. Hope you enjoy!
TJ has just one semester of classes
left, so the end is in sight! He has
signed a contract to become the priest-in-charge of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
in Beloit, WI once he is ordained as a priest, which will be sometime next
summer (Lord willing). But first, he
will be ordained to the diaconate tomorrow (!!!), and taking the GOE
exams in January. After that he will
hopefully spend his last semester at Nashotah House getting some practice as a
deacon in the chapel, as well as continuing to familiarize himself with St.
Paul’s. Graduation will be in late May,
with a move to Beloit happening soon after!
We took a quick trip to Los Angeles in October to celebrate my sweet friend Eve's wedding.
Isn't he cute?!
We blinked, and Jason turned three. Oh my goodness, he is developing into such a
unique little person, and it’s so fun to watch!
He talks constantly (CONSTANTLY), and is very proud of himself for doing
lots of “big boy stuff” lately, like dressing himself and insisting on helping us with everything (which greatly slows us down, but makes us so proud). While it’s pretty exhausting answering his
11,000 questions every day, we absolutely love parenting our sweet little boy,
and love watching him grow.
Also -- for those Ralphie fans reading the blog, he is doing great. He was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid earlier this year, which is very manageable with medication. He's still a sweet and sometimes cranky old man, and obviously enjoys when Jason reads prayers over him.
Sheer excitement on the beach in CA.
We celebrated Jason's third birthday while were in MO for T'hanksgiving with our families.
Yay -- no tears this year while visiting Santa!
For those of you who don't believe that Jason has an attitude -- here's proof. "Stop taking pictures, Mommy. Stop it stop it stop it."
So – yes – there is a TON of stuff going on
here. It’s the end of a long and
sometimes hard chapter and the beginning of a whole new journey. An exciting journey, of course, but one that
suddenly has me feeling a little emotional.
Recently, I was speaking with someone who has been
walking this path alongside me and guiding me spiritually. She is full of wisdom, and I’ve learned so
much from her. We were discussing TJ’s
ordination when she said something that I guess I should’ve known but hadn’t
thought about. Or maybe I was avoiding
thinking about it. She told me that TJ
would change once he was ordained.
Um… no.
I’m married to the guy. I kind of like him the way he is, you
know? I don’t want him to change! As soon as she said that, my throat started
closing up and my eyes watered. I
pretended like I knew what she was talking about, then I left our meeting
feeling a little sad.
I spent some time reflecting on what she said. TJ and I have been talking lately about how
much we’ve changed since this whole process started. As I was trying to figure out why I was so
rattled when she said he would change once he was ordained, I thought a lot
about everything that had happened in the last few years. I realized we had pretty much done everything
together on this spiritual journey of sorts.
We made the decision to uproot our lives together. We had both sought out advisors and visited
different churches to learn about Anglicanism.
We both live in community at Nashotah. While I don’t go to class with him or do all
the other things necessary for ordination, I have helped him prepare for
everything and have listened to him talk about classes so much that I kind of
felt like I was there with him!
I felt uneasy because ordination wasn’t something we
could do together. Once everything was
said and done, he would be different, and I would be the same. He would be bearing a weight I couldn’t carry
with him, and I was suddenly unsure about how I would deal with that.
Obviously, TJ has already spent a large chunk of his
life serving in the ministry, and I supported him then. This feels different because he has been
going through a rigorous process to get here.
Not only in terms of difficult coursework and a lengthy list of
ordination to-do’s, but he has been thoroughly spiritually examined over and
over and over. He has dug deep into his
being and laid himself bare before diocesan committees, his classmates, and
complete strangers. He has truly gone
through a transformation, and in the process I have been transformed, too. This time around, we are not the same as we
were the last time we served in the ministry.
The holy orders he is committing himself to are not the same as they
were the last time. This whole thing is different,
and he will be different, and how I minister to him will be different.
I have been processing all of this the past few
days, and the emotions are still there. But the overwhelming emotion is joy. I have no idea how this next chapter
in our lives is going to look. But, oh
man, I’m so excited to find out. This
whole process of growing and uncovering new things has made us more authentic
than I ever thought possible, so won’t the next chapter be just as exciting? Ordination will most definitely change TJ,
but he will still be TJ. He will still
be the guy I’ve been with for the past 16 years (I just did the math, that’s
almost HALF our lives). He will still
listen to heavy metal and drink whiskey and say he’s buying Legos for Jason
when we both know he’s really just buying them for himself. He will still take me on dates and make me
feel valued every day of my life. He
will still hug, kiss, and fist-bump Jason every night before bed. He will still be TJ, and I won’t be left behind
at ordination. I will be alongside him,
and we will both be figuring this out together.
Because, if we aren’t growing and changing and
exploring and daring to be different, what’s the point of it all?
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