One Semester Down! Basking in the Glory of Wisconsiny Goodness.
So, to sum up my first semester of seminary thus far... We begin with a cute picture of Jason because....well...why not? What better way to begin! He just gets more adorable as time goes on. Also, notice that he has some teeth now. Ashley and I have survived the initial stages of a teething baby. So far so good. I came to seminary not being able to read music, sing, or play the piano/keyboard. Now, I am happy to say that I am under-whelmingly mediocre at all of these things. Yes, that is my attempt to look as if I am rocking out. A fellow classmate wanted to make it look like I was jamming with a keytar. (Ashley says that this picture makes me look like a high school student who is trying way too hard to look cool). Instead of rocking out, and somewhat to my chagrin, I got a haircut. The moment my bodacious locks hit the barber shop floor I was filled with much regret. Now that the trauma is over, I...