
Showing posts from January, 2017

One Semester Down! Basking in the Glory of Wisconsiny Goodness.

So, to sum up my first semester of seminary thus far... We begin with a cute picture of Jason because....well...why not?  What better way to begin!  He just gets more adorable as time goes on.  Also, notice that he has some teeth now.  Ashley and I have survived the initial stages of a teething baby.  So far so good. I came to seminary not being able to read music, sing, or play the piano/keyboard.  Now, I am happy to say that I am under-whelmingly mediocre at all of these things.  Yes, that is my attempt to look as if I am rocking out.  A fellow classmate wanted to make it look like I was jamming with a keytar.  (Ashley says that this picture makes me look like a high school student who is trying way too hard to look cool).   Instead of rocking out, and somewhat to my chagrin, I got a haircut.  The moment my bodacious locks hit the barber shop floor I was filled with much regret.  Now that the trauma is over, I...


Hello, friends!  Thanks for checking in with us.  Here are some updates and thoughts: *So... it's cold.  We have already had around two feet of snow, and temperatures down to -16 (with a -32 wind chill).  For Wisconsin, this is normal.  The streets are cleared quickly and perfectly, and you can go to the grocery store before the snow and there will still be food on the shelves.  I love St. Louis, but I don't miss the pre-storm freakouts :) Nashotah campus Checking out his first major snowstorm Frozen Nashotah Lake *Jason turned one!  We had a party with our families in Missouri while we were home for Thanksgiving, and a party at Nashotah on his actual birthday with our Wisconsin friends.  Jason had so much fun playing with his friends and opening all his presents, and we congratulated ourselves on making it through our first year of parenthood. Pretty excited about turning one! Celebrating with our families in Missou...