Reflections from Nashotah House: Some Musings on Life, Love and Relationships
“Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another.” –Romans 13:8 What is being if not becoming ? All of life is teleological; everything is in process of becoming more itself. Nothing exists autonomously. Reality does not exist as a collaboration of individualistic efforts, but as an interdependent web of networks. No entity is a self-made existence. In the words of Simone Weil, “Whoever says ‘I’ lies.” To be at all is to be united to God, to the cosmos, to the earth, to all animated life, and to all of the human endeavor throughout history. Being is found in relation to the whole, being the micro of what is macro. All of evolutionary history has been shaped by the Christ pattern. Old life dies to give rise to the new, and new organisms are transformations of that which came before. In the evolution of all species we see the icon of the dying and rising Christ: " unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a singl...