
Showing posts from November, 2016

Why I Love Anglican Worship

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of being the bell ringer here at Nashotah House.  This means that I got to ring the warning bells for chapel, the class bells, the Angelus, the altar bells and Michael (the giant bell on campus).  The office of bell ringer also comes with additional duties like being the intercessor during Mass each day, lighting the appropriate candles in the chapel, and laying out the proper vestments for the clergy. Behold...Michael I will readily admit that the whole experience was quite intense.  I had to be at the chapel 30 minutes early before each service each day in order to get everything set up and I usually had to stay 5-15 minutes afterwards in order to prep for the next day. Time has become abundantly precious since starting seminary and I have developed a pretty well-oiled routine for daily life.  Things are planned down to the minute for most days.  They have to be if I am going to keep my head above the water with sch...